Changeover day selection for check-in and checkout

You can select the days for which you want to allow the check-in and check-out.

How to set a base changeover for check-in and check-out?

An example, If I want to allow the guest to check-in and check-out only on Saturday and Sunday. It can be set that as below. :

Changeover day selection for check-in and checkout

How to set a seasonal changeover for check-in and check-out?

Navigation: Edit listing -> Pricing -> Seasons

To set a seasonal change-over, you need to add a season and select the change-over for check-in and check-out.

Changeover day selection for check-in and checkout

How the listing calendar will look like?

As I have set the seasonal changeover of Sunday for both check-in and check-out, guests will able to select only those days for their selection.

Changeover day selection for check-in and checkout
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