Here are things to do if you ever stop by and stay for a visit:

Take a day trip from Surprise, AZ to Jerome, AZ! It's only a 2 hour drive!

Things to do in Surprise, AZ

Want to visit one of the most HAUNTED cities in Arizona? Jerome, also known as, "Wickedest Town in the West".

Jerome is an enchanting town, and a photographer's paradise. From its external appearances it hasn't changed much in nearly 100 years.

Click the link below to view a guide on a day trip to Jerome:! Click the link below to read a First Time Guide to Jerome’s Ghost Town

Things to do in Surprise, AZ

Or, visit the link below to view a First Time Guide to Jerome's Ghost Town.

Things to do in Surprise, AZ

Are you and your family wanting to see the beauty the Grand Canyon has to offer?

Things to do in Surprise, AZ

The Grand Canyon National Park is bigger than the entire state of Rhode Island.

Thinking about driving the Grand Canyon? Did you know the drive from the North Rim Visitor Center to the South Rim Visitor Center is about 200 miles, and takes roughly 4 hours!

Things to do in Surprise, AZ

Check out this article about driving from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon:

Things to do in Surprise, AZ

There are so many great things to do in Arizona that are easy access from Surprise, AZ. If you or someone you know is thinking about staying in Surprise, AZ, visit this link to view a beautiful airbnb!

Heartshire Retreat in Surprise, AZ - listed on Houfy

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Things to do in Surprise, AZ
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