The kitchen trash can is under the sink, along with extra bags. When the kitchen trash can is full, please put trash in the can that is found within the metal bear bin at the end of our driveway.

  • Trash pick-up is weekly on Tuesday mornings: recycling is picked up every other week.
  • If trash does not fit in cans, please take the remainder to Avery Disposal Site, 4541 Segale Road in Avery. (just west of Arnold)
  • Bears are smart and strong: please make sure the door is tightly latched after you deposit trash!
  • Please leave do not leave trash cans outside of bear bin!

Trash Disposal at Snowflake Chalet
Trash Disposal at Snowflake Chalet

To open the metal bear bin, put your hand into the opening shown above and push up. To close the bin, shut the door tightly and test to make sure it is latched shut.

We will be fined $150 by our Homeowner's Association (HOA) if there is a trash spill. We will deduct that fine from your deposit if the spill is due to improper closure of bin!



Snowflake Chalet

4 Bedrooms  2 Bathrooms

4.85IconIconIconIconIcon54 reviews
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