Test Booking on Houfy
I would like to do a test booking on Houfy to see what it looks like for a guest and for the owner.
- Set a 5$ price for 1 night in the future at Edit listing - Calendar (Set 1 night min stay as well)
- Remove Fees/Taxes at Edit listing > Pricing
- Check your payment settings. Edit Listing > Payment Settings (Full payment due at Booking)
- Sign out of Houfy as Owner. (Or use another browser)
Create a "Guest" account with another e-mail.
- Enter the message "This is a test request. Please ignore it.". So that listing does not get flagged for no-response and response rate is not calculated for this request.
- Book & Pay the night as a guest - Check the price is indeed 5$.
- Sign out as Guest.
Check your e-mail as Owner. Log in as owner and Accept the booking request.
Check e-mails sent to Guest and Owner.
Once all is fine: Cancel & Refund Booking
- Set price back to what is was before at Calendar. (Min Nights as well)
- Set fees and taxes back
- Adjust Payment settings again.
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