Sample Rental Agreement Template

This sample template is not any kind of legal advice. Make sure your attorney reviews any rental agreement you create.

John Smith,

Thank you for choosing our home for your vacation. The property is located at:

222 Vacation Road.

Lake Sewer, FL 28756

Phone: 555-555-5555

Your confirmation is as follows:

Check-in date: Saturday, May 25th, 2019 (after 4pm EST)

Check-out date: Monday, May 27th, 2019 (no later than 11am EST)

Number of guests allowed: 4

Pet Policy: No pets allowed. This is a pet-free property.

Visitor Policy: Any day/night visitors must be approved by owner, and maximum number of guest/visitors combined is six persons (this includes infants and children). Additional overnight guest/visitors are $20 each per day.

Refundable Damage Deposit: Waived as long as credit cardholder agrees that ALL members of the rental party (and any visitors) will have read entire arrival guidebook and departure checklist. Please let us know if you prefer to pay a $250 damage deposit instead.

I acknowledge and understand the Pet Policy, Visitor Policy, and Damage Deposit Policy:

Signature: ______________________________________________

One hundred percent of rental rate, turnover clean fee, refundable damage deposit, applicable lodging taxes, and signed rental agreement must be received to confirm reservation.

Rental rate:

Nightly rate (4 nights) $300 each night $1,200

Additional persons ($20 each per night) $0

Turnover Clean per reservation $125

Damage deposit waived $-0-

Total collected by us $1,325

FL lodging tax collected by Airbnb (13%) $172.25

Airbnb Traveler Service Fee $188.15

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation policy is NO refunds. Once dates are taken off the market, they become unavailable to other renters. With owner approval, guest may find a replacement renter or gift their dates (not future dates) to someone else. Guest MUST cancel the original reservation before owner will assist in trying to rebook the dates. I acknowledge and understand the Cancellation Policy:

Signature: ___________________________________________________

Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance

It is highly recommended guest purchase trip cancellation/interruption insurance in case of family emergencies/bad weather delays, flight/rental car cancellations, job loss, snow/ice, Covid-19 bans/restrictions, etc. If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, forest fires, etc. and cannot make your trip, please seek reimbursement through your travel insurance.

NO refunds are given unless there is a mandatory evacuation in our area. Please check what travel insurance your credit card may offer. You can also visit

I acknowledge I am responsible for purchasing my own travel insurance:

Signature: ___________________________________________________

Guest agrees to abide by information in this agreement and in the arrival guidebook, and shall cause all members of the rental party (anyone else Guest permits on the property) to abide by them as well.

The parties agree to the terms of this Short Term Rental Agreement, as evidenced by the signatures set forth below.

Guest Name (Print) ______________

Guest Signature ________________

Phone number _________________

Guest Permanent Address ____________________

Date _______________________

Vacation Rental Owner

Name (print) ________________

Signature __________________

Date _____________________

Place a clear Photo ID (driver’s license) of the credit card holder on this page. Scan back all 3 pages.


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