About me

Simon, Wendy and Loki now live in SW France. After careers in Teaching, Sales and Hospitality, they decided to follow their dream and open a Chambre d'Hote (Bed and Breakfast) offering evening meals.
IconMember since: April 2020
IconSpeaks: English

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Wendy's collections

Maison du Coquelicot, Tourouzelle, Aude, South of France

This is our welcome guide, to help you to find Maison du Coquelicot.

Why are the bedrooms named after French artists?

This guidebook explains the following: 1. Why the house is named Maison du Coquelicot2. The meaning of our village name - Tourouzelle (or Torosela)3. The reason for naming our bedrooms after French artists.

Aude, South West France: Exciting things to see and do in the area

Aude has a range of landscapes, from beaches, vineyards, rivers, a famous canal, castle ruins, garrigues, forests and woodlands. All of which provide: history, sport, relaxation and a playground for hobbies.