Water Safety

Pensacola Beach Flag Update and Life Guard News

Pensacola Beach Flag Update and Life Guard News

Know before you go swimming. The life guards post daily swimming conditions for everyone's safety. On those red and yellow flag days, consider enjoying Tiki House's pool instead! Or just enjoy the sand and sounds of the surf. Check the site to see current flags.

Water Illnesses and Water Safety

Water Illnesses and Water Safety

Nothing can ruin a vacation quicker than getting ill or having a child fall ill. Every year thousands fall ill with RWIs (Recreational Water Illnesses). These RWIs are cause by swallowing water in swimming pools, water parks, hot tubs, rivers, lakes, and even open bodies of water like the Gulf of Mexico. Anywhere people swim, RWIs can be found and can cause infections of the eyes, skin, ears, intestines and lungs.