Arts & Crafts

Absolutely Outer Banks

Absolutely Outer Banks

Absolutely Outer Banks is a great store to take your time and browse around. There is so much to see within the two floors. Local artists & crafters keep this shop filled with continuously changing items. Jewelry, glass art, monograms, repurposed furniture, mirrors, decor, housewares, photography, and long list of many other items can be found here on a regular basis. This is a fun place to find local art & coastal treasures. Absolutely Outer Banks is located at 3708 North Croatan

Labor Day Wknd Guest Photos

Labor Day Wknd Guest Photos

This is a collection of pix taken by our recent guests at Parkway Peek. We love when folks get out and explore the area. There is definitely plenty to do and see (or you can just dine-in on the deck and enjoy the view)!