What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

Owners of vacation rental properties are generally just like you. Except for investment properties that are owned and run by corporations, the owners use their properties for their own vacations. These are homes, not hotels. They love their properties and spend a lot of time, effort and money keeping them up and making it just the way they want the home to be. They are a bit sensitive to criticism of the decor, lay-out, and even location. Remember, they chose the home and made it theirs. They will take it personally if you rearrange the furniture or complain about the color palette. When you rent a home think of yourself as a guest in their home, not just a consumer, and you will be welcome back. And keep in mind, if you are a quality renter, you will probably get a bargain too. Owners value the good renters who stay and want to encourage them to come back often!

Stephanie And Chris
Stephanie And Chris5 mins read

Telling the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

Read Before You Ask

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

If after reading the whole description, house rules, and amenities list, you still have questions about a property or its amenities, ask. But if you are the type of person who can't take the time to read a property description you will probably be the type of guest who won't take the time to read house rules. This is a huge red flag for owners. Owners want competent and independent renters who can follow the posted directions on using the microwave without sending a text at 1 o'clock in the morning or who bring a pet into a “No Pets” home because they didn't know it was pet free.

Window Shopping Without Inquiring

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

Avoid Bargaining

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

Communicating with Owners

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

But do say something! Inquiries with no information are just as disturbing. Keep it brief. Give the basics and what you want the owner to do. And start communicating.

Be Reasonable and Generous in Reviewing

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

Reviewing the Reviewer

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

Who Are Owners?

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know

We love sharing our vacation home with people and are always looking for the good renters out there! If you are one of those, take a look and get ready to have the BEST vacation EVER!

What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know
Tiki House Pensacola Beach - Vacation Home rental in Pensacola Beach, Florida, United States
Vacation Home in Pensacola Beach. With over 3000 sq ft of room with a HUGE 1600 sq. ft. recreation room to spread out, Tiki House has it all! Steps from the beach! Beach and Gulf views from nearly every room and ...

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