About me

Welcome from Stacey and Mike - This home was built by Mike and his dad in 1999 with the intention to provide a unique space for family gatherings. Our goal is to provide the best guest experience possible. We hope that you will be our guest at Cape Cod! If you have a question in advance please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
IconMember since: February 2019
IconSpeaks: English

Stacey's listings

Salt Life Retreat

Salt Life Retreat

4 Bedrooms  2 Bathrooms
5IconIconIconIconIcon236 reviews
Cape Coral The Hive - 3 King's

Cape Coral The Hive - 3 King's

3 Bedrooms  2 Bathrooms
5IconIconIconIconIcon23 reviews
Compass Rose 1st Floor

Compass Rose 1st Floor

2 Bedrooms  2 Bathrooms
5IconIconIconIconIcon99 reviews

Stacey follows

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Stacey's collections

Harwich MA

A guide to Harwich MA and Cape Cod activities

Cape Cod

Things to do @ Cape Cod