Looking for a Family friendly event?Why not watch a Movie on the Beach!You can do that in Narragansett, RIOur beautiful home - Narrbeahouse

Lori mins read

Looking for a Family friendly event?

Why not watch a Movie on the Beach!

You can do that in Narragansett, RI

Our beautiful home - Narrbeahouse - is centrally located to a wide variety of activities in the area and you can walk to the beach!

learn more at www.houfy.com/1350

This is a free event for the public.see movies & dates below

Movie begins at dusk(7pm) - weather permitting

Sponsored by Narragansett parks and Rec. and our Local businesses.

JUN 26 - Space Jam 7 PM

JUL 3 - 101 Dalmatians

JUL 10 - Boss Baby

JUL 17 - Grease

JUL 24 - Small Foot

JUL 31- Breakfast at Tiffany's

AUG 7- Christopher Robin

AUG 14 - Jaws