Why Houfy?

Why Houfy?

Sometimes in life, you wonder.. why am I doing this? For who? What do you want to achieve with it? What is your mission or vision?

Houfy1 min read

Then: You walk to the beach and see this:

Why Houfy?
May 31, 2019

Why Houfy?
June 7, 2019

Why Houfy?
May 31 2019

(May 31, 2019) The first 100 feet is filled with sargasso (Seaweed)

Being a "local" I know in a week or in 2 days this can totally change to "paradise" again.. (ocean currents and wind) However: This phenomenon has NOT occurred EVER in these quantities throughout the Caribbean. You think.. and ask yourself.. What am I doing? What is Houfy? Why? My kids.. what about them???

Where does this "sargasso" come from? Some blame it on Brasil, others on the sargasso sea, global warming, US rivers connected to the Gulf.. And where am I in this picture? It is NOT MY problem.. They should figure it out.. whoever they are.. and PAY for it!

My kids.. our kids..

Let me get back to work and think about renting our properties, to gain income and pay for our bills.. so we can go shopping and put this in plastic bags and shop more to make sure I have everything or more than I need. The plastic garbage, I will put in the garbage bags outside, for the trash company to pick up and remove.. wherever this may be.. (OUT of sight, OUT of mind..) - Not MY problem..

What does Houfy have to do with this.. Nothing! or maybe..

Nah.. let's just continue doing what we do and leave it up to our kids to figure it out.. Back to facebook/netflix and hopefully I'll get an inquiry from Airbnb or Homeaway soon.. or maybe from Houfy if enough people share their listing.. so I can go shopping again..

I'm not sure why I am writing this and sharing with you.. I believe, sometimes, you need to think, change focus and ask yourself WHY!

Thanks T

May 31, 2019 - Playa del Carmen

Updated June 7, 2019

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