Most viewed listings per new IP for the week Feb 4-10 2019!

It will be #Bookdirect day on February 6th 2019

Hi Houfies, at Houfy #Bookdirect is every day.. However: early February 6th is #Bookdirect day!

Prizes: Amazon Gift certificates:

  • First Prize: $1000
  • 2nd: $500
  • 3-7 $100

2nd Houfy Contest (2019): Chance to win $1000 Amazon gift certificate at Houfy

Rules: Your listing will have to be a verified listing to participate + have a verified owner profile : Pic/Phone/E-mail - Please e-mail us if you have any problems with verification.

You will need to be on this list below to participate:

2nd Houfy Contest (2019): Chance to win $1000 Amazon gift certificate at Houfy
Houfy - Bookdirect Contest
Join Houfy to get on the map! Backup your listing from Airbnb & VRBO in seconds. Houfy is FREE and being developed to promote DIRECT bookings and communication.

To add your listing fast with a VRBO/AIRBNB link: Needs pricing to activate

2nd Houfy Contest (2019): Chance to win $1000 Amazon gift certificate at Houfy
Backup & sync your listing(s) in 10 SEC into the Houfy Network | HOUFY
Houfy has created a simple tool to create a backup of your listing including pictures and reviews. You never know!

To do it manually: Needs details, pics, location and pricing to activate + a verification

2nd Houfy Contest (2019): Chance to win $1000 Amazon gift certificate at Houfy
List Your Vacation Rental Property | HOUFY
Our market network requires verified information from our members, including phone numbers. List your vacation rental property and expose it to thousands of potential renters worldwide on

Per IP means: computer's who have seen your listing already will not be counted. Refreshing will not increase the view count. To see how many views your listing has been viewed: go to your listing and scroll down:

2nd Houfy Contest (2019): Chance to win $1000 Amazon gift certificate at Houfy

We will calculate the amount of views your listing has received during the week of Feb 4-10 and update this on a daily basis @ around 7.01 PM ET

This contest starts and ends between these times:

  • Monday, February 4th 2019 @ 7 AM ET
  • Sunday February 10th @ 7 PM ET

The winners will be announced just around 7.20 PM ET on February 10th as per our program. Certificates will be sent out to you on Monday the 11th. You will receive an e-mail from us and the winners will be mentioned in our Houfy facebook "working" group:

2nd Houfy Contest (2019): Chance to win $1000 Amazon gift certificate at Houfy
Say Yes to Houfy
Say Yes to Houfy has 697 members. This FB Group is for anyone interested in Houfy. This group is intended to get updated Houfy information, ask...

For more information about bookdirect:

2nd Houfy Contest (2019): Chance to win $1000 Amazon gift certificate at Houfy
#BookDirect - Houfy
Jan 14, 2019#BookDirect - Houfy

Good luck! T & S

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