How to edit your map location and address on Houfy

Location is just one factor travelers use when choosing a place to stay. Be sure to meet your guests' expectations by accurately displaying your property's location.

Scroll to the bottom of your listing's homepage to view your Google Maps data as a traveler. Then determine if you need to make changes to any of the map information. 

To edit your listing’s address
  1. Go to Manage Listings and select your listing
  2. Under Overview, go to Location
  3. Move the Pin to the exact location or edit your address in the address section

Don’t forget: You can also answer any questions guests might have about location in your message thread.

  • Show exact location: This allows travelers to use Google Maps for directions to your property. 
  • Hide exact location: Select No tab to hide this information from Houfy.
  • Show Street view: (street view is only shown if it's available on Google Maps)

Scroll to the bottom of your listing. The circle indicates your property's general location, and notice (if you chose to hide your location) the map directions option is no longer available.

How to edit your map location and address on Houfy

What should I do if Google Maps displays inaccurate data?

Resolve the issue with Google Maps. If you are unsuccessful, email and request Houfy override the data to show correct location/address.

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