How long does it take to get my Houfy listing verified?
At Houfy we verify new listings a few times a day. This is not an automated process and can take up to 24-48 hours.
If you did not get verified please send us your latest utility bill to:
We only accept the following marketplace site urls for verification purposes:
- Airbnb
- Expedia sites: Homeaway, VRBO and others.
- Tripadvisor
Verification at any of the above marketplaces does NOT necessarily mean you will be verified on Houfy. In some cases we require additional proof of ownership.
Listings which are not completed are usually not verified. Please make sure you complete your listing before uploading a utility bill.
To speed up the process of verification, make sure you complete the following requirements:
- Completed Houfy listings (Overview, Base price, pictures and other relevent information)
- Airbnb/VRBO url provided (By import and or added at reviews or at pictures) or homepage url provided.
- Ical Connected - please review this article for help.
- Utility bill provided
- In some cases we will require a deed or insurance bill.
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