Can I connect other payment processors for payments besides Stripe and Square?

In order to connect to Houfy, you must use one of the integrated processor oprtions: at this time Stripe and Square. You can still choose to use other payment methods to invoice your guests directly.

Can my guests still send me an inquiry?

Yes. If your payment method is not connected then travelers will send an inquiry and you will invoice directly. From the inquiry you can use the "mark as confirmed" button. This will block the dates on your calendar while you arrange payment directly with the guest. Here is information of what to expect for your first inquiry or online booking request.

How do I add my own payment method?

Just complete the payment information section on your listing to let travelers know what kind of payments you accept. Check off any credit cards and add any additional information in the payment policies box.

What are the pros and cons of Stripe vs. Square?

Here is a comparison guide of Stripe and Square. Once you sign up for a free Stripe or Square account, you need to connect it to Houfy so travelers can book your property online.

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