About me

I am a NZ Registered Nurse and live on a farm in South Canterbury NZ. I am an aspiring Dressage rider. I also enjoy skiing, reading and looking after my large garden.
IconMember since: November 2018
IconSpeaks: English

Dina's listings

ValleyView.  Modern 5bdm/2.5 bathroom.

ValleyView. Modern 5bdm/2.5 bathroom.

5 bedroom house with dedicated workspace, AC, heating, fully fenced section. Wifi. Parking.

5 Bedrooms  3 Bathrooms
5IconIconIconIconIcon51 reviews

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Speights Ale House

Family Resturant and Bar.

Waimate walking and hiking trails.

Great for all ages and skill levels.

Mt Dobson Ski Area

Skiing and Snow Boarding, fantastic family friendly ski field. Just 1 hour drive from the Lodge.

Posts (2)