About me

My husband and I met on the island of Guam, but we are both from the Bay Area. He was a tennis pro at a 5 star hotel and I was in the tourist industry. I cut my foot while swimming in the hotel pool, he bandaged me up and the rest is history! We moved to the Pacific Northwest because I went to college here and still had some close friends in Seattle. We also both loved the rugged beauty of this area and wanted to raise our son here. It was a wise move. Yaponcha found work in the construction supply industry, I became a para-educator in Special Education and our son, grew and thrived at Breezy Hideaway. We inherited this magical home from my parents. Breezy was my mother. And sharing it is our joy!
IconMember since: November 2019
IconSpeaks: English
IconLives: Vaughn, Wa

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Bliss on the beach

Breezy Hideaway is on Puget Sound South.From here you can walk for miles and observe wild life, soak up the serenity of our quiet beaches , dig clams, mussels and oysters and let your shoulders drop. We are about 10 minutes from the Brown and Haley beach park (park only accessible by boat or on foot)