The Salt Beacon

The Salt Beacon

There is lots of speculation about it's origin, but its purpose is clear. It acted as a marker for sailing ships to navigate to a point where they could harvest salt, an essential commodity to the crew’s survival for long voyages. For thousands of years, prior to refrigeration, salt was the only element that would allow food (fish, meats) to be stored for long periods without spoiling. Hence it was essential to any voyage of substantial duration.

Dawn1 min read

The Salt Beacon

True to its name the Salt Beacon stands on a hill adjacent to a number of shallow salt ponds. These unique environments allowed for the gathering and harvesting of sea salt from its natural liquid state. It is estimated that these ponds could produce significant amounts of salt, perhaps 10 tons annually, which placed them into the range of commercial production.

The Salt Beacon

Today the road into Williamstown goes directly by the beacons hill. So take a little time to climb to the top where the beacon is located. It is not a challenging walk, and the views make it all worthwhile. Settle back, enjoy the breeze and drift back to days gone by.

The Salt Beacon
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