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Georgetown, Exuma Cruising Regatta 2019

The 39th Annual George Town Cruising Regatta 2019 begins on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 and ends on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. This event includes 14 days of activities for cruisers, and Exumians on Stocking Island, Elizabeth Harbour and Georgetown. Participants and visitors alike can enjoy food, drinks, raffle prizes, cruising clothing for purchase, and lot of fun filled activities to enjoy as spectators that will make them wish they were part of the cruising family who come to Exuma every year. This unique gathering of boaters from all over the world start coming in November to secure their spot in the picturesque setting of Elizabeth Harbor, George Town, Great Exuma. Most will be there until The National Family Island Regatta in April before they head on their way.

There are 2 days of sailing, but the onshore activities are a scene to behold, with softball competitions, volleyball games, beach golf, bocce ball tournament, a coconut challenge, conch shell blowing contest, poker run, costume party, and a variety show that will showcase all of the hidden talent on the 350 - 400 boats anchored across the harbor.

You can also buy raffle tickets for a drawing where there are loads of prizes donated by the many businesses throughout the island. All of the proceeds of this drawing and event go back into the Exuma community.



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