Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection

Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection

Please read and follow all our rules while staying. These are not there just to annoy you. They are there to protect you ... and us.

Stephanie And Chris
Stephanie And Chris2 mins read

Rental Rules

You would think it was common sense to not turn the hot tub into a bubble bath. You would also think it was common sense to not climb on the roof. We have seen both happen. And so now we have rules. The rules don't just protect you and the property, they make sure that the next guests' experience is a great one. If a previous guest breaks something, it may mean the next guests will not have the use of it. With only a 6 hour window to make everything ready, we just don't have the ability to correct serious damage caused by previous guests.

Please read and share the rules outlined in our rental agreement with all your guests, even your children. Everyone has different house rules and because not everyone has a pool and spa, they may not know that certain behaviors can cause damage. To find a copy of our house rules check-out the link below.

Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection
Tiki House Rental Agreement
To rent Tiki House Pensacola Beach, our vacation home. we require you to sign/accept a rental agreement. This is for your protection as much as ours. The agreement spells out all the details of renting, from checking-in to checking out!

If you are ever in doubt about the reason or validity of a rule, contact us. We may be able to clarify and explain.

Beach and County Rules

The beach has rules too. The beach is so beautiful and the rules are meant to help keep it that way. They are also there to protect the wildlife. The entire beach is a nationally protected area. You will see beach patrol and national park rangers. They are there to enforce the rules. Fines can be huge and some violations can result in jail time. Rules that protect endangered and protected animals are federal offenses and are take quite seriously. Locals and visitors alike often turn in violators and video is not uncommon to prove the violators were at fault. The rule most overlooked are about filling in holes to protect nesting turtles, walking on the dunes, and leaving things on the beach, including trash. Here is a quick reference to find more information on ours or the beaches rules.

Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection
Beach Rules and Ordinances
You need to know the rules to make sure your fun doesn't stop with a citation from the Beach Patrol!

Water Safety

Rules regarding the pool and hot tub are there to protect you and your family as well as to protect expensive equipment. We have had guests ruin the pool liner by pole vaulting with a skimmer pole, making the hot tub unusable for their entire stay by putting a bath bomb in the hot tub and more. Following the rules can mean not just avoiding expensive repairs, but saving a life. Remember all children should be supervised at all times. Especially with a pool and hot tub around.

Hot tub rules:

Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection
Hot Tub Rules
We have a 7 person hot tub on the main deck with views of the pool. It is in a semi-private place with great views of the night sky at night. We provide 1-2 times a week pro service and cleaning at no charge. With weekly chemical balancing and...

Pool rules:

Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection
Tiki House Pool - Rules, Info, and Fun
The pool at Tiki House is one of the reasons we are the most popular rental on the beach for large groups. We want to make sure you get the most out of the pool during your stay! With a little consideration, you can help keep it in tip-tip...

If you have children, please read our water safety info in our Parents Only Guide:

Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection
Parents Only!
When you travel with children, you need a lot of help. Some is equipment and some comes from others. As a vacation home, Tiki House offers...

Not a Fan of Rules?

If you think you just can't stay with us AND follow the rules, there are other properties that may be a better fit. Let us know and we might even be able to help you find one. And "thank-you" to all our great renters that make running and operating a vacation rental a pleasure!

New to Renting?

If you are new to renting and are wondering about reviews, communication, or more, check out our post on What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know! It may be helpful in the process of renting a vacation home anywhere.

Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection
What Vacation Rental Owners Want You to Know
When an individual or family decides to share their home on Houfy or another listing site, their first concern isn't whether others will love their home as much as they do. They are concerned whether others will take care of their home as well as...

Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection
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If you and your group have never rented a Vacation Home before, here are some great articles on what to expect or how to choose the perfect...

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Rental Rules are For Everyone's Protection
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