Mount Coolum

Mount Coolum

Located just a quick 10-minute drive from the Puppies and Pancakes house is the beautiful Mt Coolum. With picturesque 360º views of the Sunshine Coast, it makes the perfect hike/walk with plenty of opportunities for capturing stunning photos.

Sue1 min read

The walk takes roughly an hour and a half but the views from the 208m summit are completely worth it.

While walking you may come across falcons, flying foxes, echidnas and bandicoots. In fact, there is a pair of Peregrine Falcons who nest in the area and are one of the 25-35 known pairs in south-east Queensland.

It is recommended to only climb Mount Coolum in daylight hours and to avoid climbing in wet or dangerous weather conditions.

Mount Coolum
(photo credit: Browyn Harm)

Due to the wildlife that inhabits the area, Mount Coolum is not dog friendly and they are prohibited within the Mount Coolum National Park area.

Mount Coolum
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