Check In & Check Out

West Winds check in time is 4:00pm ET. In the event Karen is not able to meet you at the house, you will be provided the code to the front door.

Karen1 min read

Check Out

Check out is 11:00am ET. If we do not have another party coming in, we might be able to accommodate a late check out. Please check with Karen about late check out.

Check Out Checklist

Please do your best to leave the property as you found it.

  • Empty garbage
  • Start a load of dishes
  • Empty refrigerator
  • Strip beds
  • Start a load of towels/bath mats. *this is a huge help for our cleaning crew, as towels take longer to dry than sheets.
  • Lock all doors and windows

Thank you so much for staying with us!

We greatly appreciate your choosing our home as part of your vacation. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve upon your experience at West Winds. We hope to see you again!

Guest Survey and Priority Booking

Please fill out this short survey: Guest Survey

Priority Booking is available for guests who wish to stay with us next season. We begin to take bookings in November for next season, and we would be happy to make a note of your preferred dates. Providing your dates do not conflict with dates we will be using the house, your dates will be confirmed. Bookings are first come, first served. If you are interested in future dates, please fill out the Priority Booking Form.