Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

We want you to know everything you need to know about recycling & composting in Vermont and especially at VERMONT COTTAGE LAKE AMHERST! Knowing this info will keep everyone safe and help our environment!

Alecia5 mins read

Vermont Law ACT 148

Don't be anxious; we aim to make this easy and, most importantly, educational.

It's important to read this entire helpful guide. It's much easier to do in practice than to read about it. Questions? Just call us, and we will be happy to explain.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

We start 'em young in Vermont. We abide by the recycling rules at our local recycling center. Here below is the guide put out by the state of Vermont. We pared it down below to fit our property.

RECYCLING! Most importantly, it is a law, and there are rules. Recycling and composting are mandatory laws in Vermont—ACT 148. Just do your best, and it will be OK.


It is important because it is a SAFETY issue for everyone. It is important to our environment and future. Vermont is well-versed in recycling.

For further information, please refer to the recycling notebook with pictures at the cottage. It will make a lot more sense.

BASICALLY- Remove caps ~ rinse ~ and sort into labeled BINS in a clean and organized recycling area behind the lean-to shed:

1) Black square (3 of them) bins are for landfill trash that is non-compostable, non-redeemable, and non-recyclable. They are encased in an electric fence to prevent bears from dragging them away.

2) Red bins are for zero sorting for tin, aluminum, steel, glass jars and bottles, plastic bottles, and containers.

3) Blue bin for clean copy paper/mail, magazines, cardboard, and boxboard.

4) Black round bins are for redeemable containers-rinsed (5 and 10-cent returns).

5) The Compost container is in the kitchen. When it fills up, you can place the biodegradable bag in the aluminum bin, which is on the back deck in warmer weather or on the porch in the winter.

Composting: NEVER put food in the trash! It attracts wild animals. If it is not dairy or meat, it goes into the compost. Wrap meat and dairy in plastic bags and place them in the freezer, and we will dispose of them. It is highly recommended that you use your paper products to start fires in the fireplace or fire pit.

SUMMER~ Rubbish, Recycling & Compost Areas: The recycling area is set up behind the lean-to shed in the summer. For summer rentals, the compost aluminum bin is on the back porch/deck. The actual compost pile is located off the back lawn. If you face the volleyball net, it is to the left of the net in the wooded area. If the bin gets too full, you can take it to the compost area next to the back lawn. MEAT & DAIRY- Please wrap any leftover or unused meat & dairy and place them in the freezer; we will dispose of them. Trash days are Mondays around 8:30 - 9:00 AM. Recycling is every other Monday, so on alternate weeks, we put it in our car and take it to our local recycling center. We won’t be happy if it smells. RINSE, RINSE, RINSE!

WINTER~ Rubbish, Recycling & Compost: The same rules apply in the winter, except the recycling area is set up in the lean-to shed. We also set up an aluminum pail on the porch for you to place your compost in. Just be sure to latch the handle to the pail.

Specific to Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

Here is our EZPZ guide to recycling with pictures!

This is the summer recycling area.


It is located on the other side of the lean-to woodshed.

This winter we moved it to the porch.

These are all labeled-

Black square bins are for things that cannot be recycled.

Red bins are for clean/rinsed out plastic, glass, and tin/aluminum.

Blue square bins are for clean cardboard.

Small round bins (BLACK) for redeemable (5 & 10 cent returns).

All recyclable items must be rinsed out prior to being taken to the recycling area. Their rules, are not ours, but we agree. Keeps the area smelling fresh! If you don't do this, wildlife will smell it, and will come to dine! We highly recommend you burn your used paper plates or place them in the barrel or bury them in the compost pile in the summer. Burying compost in the compost area off the back lawn is a safe thing to do.


Plastic wrappers, beverage holders.....GREEN bins

These items below go into the regular green trash bin and then get bungee cords to secure the lid.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst


Composting- It's very important to not put any organic matter into the garbage. Vermont law ~ ACT 148 requires us to compost...Plus, wildlife WILL come to dine. We have a composting tin with a compostable liner on the counter to put your peelings in and at the end of the day, take them to a composting site. Either burn paper plates in the firepit or put them into the compost: bucket, barrel, or pile. Best to bury compost if you choose the pile off the back lawn. In the winter, there will be an aluminum bucket on the porch for compost.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

You can take the compost to one of two places on property

#1 Small aluminum pail on the back deck. This will be moved to the front porch in the winter.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

#2 Back lawn on the left as you face the volleyball court. Summer only.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst
Best to bury your compost.

  • Plastic, glass, tin, and aluminum get put in the red round bins. All need to be rinsed out and free from organic matter. These go into the red round bins. Caps must be removed as it is a requirement from our recycling center. *NOTE: It says blue bins in the state guide, but they aren't large enough, so we bought large red round bins. BLUE bins are for cardboard.
Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

They need to be rinsed out. A quick rinse is easy. This is a requirement from our recycling center.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

Paper and paper plates

Put paper in paper bags, including used paper plates, and use them to start your campfire in the firepit outside/outdoors.

Paper bags are provided.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

If you put organic matter into the garbage in any form, you WILL attract wildlife. This is what happens.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst
Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst
Real picture of what happens in the recycling area if an advisory is not heeded.

It's important to crisscross bungee cord the trash.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst
Recycling Laws In Vermont
RECYCLING! Most important to understand, it is a law and there are rules. You agreed to these laws and rules when you chose a Vermont property. Recycling & composting is mandatory law in Vermont - ACT 148. PLEASE ADVISE US IF YOU ARE UNFAMILIAR WITH RECYCLING. WE WILL EDUCATE.

When you request to book, you are advised in the listing that recycling and composting are required.

You are then sent a contract to review, and if you agree to the terms, you are asked to return it signed.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst
It includes what is expected in terms of recycling and composting. It states:

You are sent a WELCOME Guidebook with everything you need to know about visiting.

This WELCOME Guidebook has information about recycling and composting within it.

In addition, you are sent individual info about recycling and composting before your arrival.

Reminders are posted inside and outside the cottage in 4 places:

On the kitchen wall-

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

On the refrigerator-

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

In the recycling area-

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

In the "Important Info" book on the desk-

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst

WHY?! This is our local recycling center and its rules.

Trash, Recycling & Composting @ Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst
For a list of household hazardous waste collection dates, backyard composting workshops, and information about buying a backyard compost bin, click here to read and/or print out a Springfield-specific 2020 newsletter. Residents can bring their recycling and trash to the Chester-Springfield Recycling Center and Transfer Station at 135 Fairground Road/100 Recycle Road in Springfield, one mile north of Riverside Junior High School (west side).


What Do I Do With This...?
Click on a category below to learn how to manage a specific material. Some materials require special attention because they are banned from the landfill or hazardous.



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