The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
The cookster
The Cookster, Downtown Ludlow Feeling hungry....fill your fridge, lunch box or just kill that... 1 Lamere Sq, US,Ludlow,VT 05149

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On my way to a place to get tacos, I pulled in and saw this cute little take-out place. True serendipity!

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149

This place really needed to be checked out....

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149

Cute! So, I ventured inside...

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149

To my delight I saw a case full of beautiful, yummy looking food...

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
Chicken Salad

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
Macaroni & Cheese Balls...OMG....yummy

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
Cod Cakes

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
Crispy Fried Lemon die for!

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
Steak Tips!

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
The Menu

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
...And the packaging is all biodegradable, wooden utensils! Who woulda thunk it?

The Cookster ~ Ludlow, Vermont 05149
The cookster
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2019 Fried Mac and Cheese Chicken Salad: Poached Chicken with Pumpkin Apples, Celery, Scallions, Walnuts and Mayo Dressing on Baby Greens Lavender Rosemary & Red Wine Roasted Chicken Thighs 3 Cheese Ziti w/ Local Maple Brook Fresh Ricotta & Mozzarella, Fresh Herbed Tomato Sauce and Parmesan Cheese



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