Ludlow ~ Buttermilk Falls, Ludlow, Vermont 05149

Ludlow ~ Buttermilk Falls, Ludlow, Vermont 05149

Only a short 10 minute drive south on Route 100 will get you to these falls not to be missed! One of my best friend's mother (now in her 80s) insists on visiting the falls whenever she visits Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst.

Alecia1 min read

Ludlow ~ Buttermilk Falls, Ludlow, Vermont 05149
This Easy, Half-Mile Trail Leads To Buttermilk Falls, One Of Vermont's Most Underrated Waterfalls
Vermont sure has some wonderful hidden gems in its backyard. One of the most underrated waterfalls in Vermont is Buttermilk Falls.

Ludlow ~ Buttermilk Falls, Ludlow, Vermont 05149
Ludlow ~ Buttermilk Falls, Ludlow, Vermont 05149
Ludlow ~ Buttermilk Falls, Ludlow, Vermont 05149

As written in the Vermont River Conservancy- "A series of waterfalls and popular swimming holes on the Branch Brook, listed in the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources inventory of significant waterfalls, cascades, gorges and swimming holes. The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation manages the property which is cared for by staff from Camp Plymouth State Park during the summer months.

There is a large pool below both the lower and upper falls, each being deep enough for complete submersion. The lower falls flow into a deep 25-foot-wide pool of clear, olive-green water. Later in the season, a quaint twist of water wraps itself around a slightly wetted rock, adding character to what is usually a typical plunge throwing itself over the ledge during high-water-volume times.

The upper falls is a segmented horsetail, with the right fall being predominant. The left horsetail is strong only in spring or after heavy rain. In general, this horsetail is steeper and slightly taller; it is 15 feet high, whereas the right horsetail is about 12 feet. Both streams of water flow into another large swimming pool with clear water and a pebble-covered bottom."

Ludlow ~ Buttermilk Falls, Ludlow, Vermont 05149
Ludlow ~ Buttermilk Falls, Ludlow, Vermont 05149



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