Lake Amherst: The link to General Jeffrey Amherst and the Revolutionary War
Several of these men returned after the war to clear the land and build their homes in this beautiful valley. Among them are the ancestors of Vermont families. Lieutenant Nathaniel Bowman Brown, one of these soldiers, built his log cabin on the Lake Amherst camp site. This property now belongs to one of his decedents, me, Alecia Armstrong and my husband John. It is special to know this. Especially so when people ask about the road between the cottage and the lake. It's not just any dirt road. I knew my grandmother, a Brown, was a descendant of Nathaniel Bowman Brown, but I never imagined that the land had been passed down from that long ago so directly. This gives me chills and makes me pinch myself. I'm a simple girl who grew up on the lake (bored as hell as a kid!....Oh to be that bored again!) , not rich by any means, but I sure do feel rich in culture and history.

·1 min read