Brewery Tours Vermont

Brewery Tours Vermont

Brewery Tours

Alecia0 mins read

Close by Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst
47 Scout Camp Road
Plymouth, Vermont 05056

Harpoon Brewery in Windsor, Vermont ....about 30 minutes from Plymouth, Vermont

Long Trail Brewery in Bridgwater, Vermont ....about 15 minutes from Plymouth, Vermont

Trout River Brewery in Springfield, Vermont ....about 35 minutes from Plymouth, Vermont

Map of Vermont Breweries

It as hard to find maps that can keep up with the pop ups of micro breweries....!

You are closest to Long Trail.

Brewery Tours Vermont

Brewery Tours Vermont

Brewery Tours Vermont
Take The Vermont Brewery Trail For A Weekend You'll Never Forget
With mountains to climb, trails to hike, and slopes to ski, Vermonters know how to play hard. But every once in a while you need to take a break from all that outdoor action and hopping on the Vermont Brewery Trail is an incredible way to do it.

Stay at Vermont Cottage as base camp and explore Vermont.

Brewery Tours Vermont
Vermont Cottage Lake Amherst Plymouth, Vt. - Plymouth
Vacation in Vermont! We accommodate individuals, couples, small & large families and groups. We can sleep anywhere from 1-14 people. We offer up the cottage with varying options to rent to suit your needs. Seasonal times and restrictions may apply. We offer cash discounts. Please inquire. Ask questions. Dog friendly..Woof!



Vermont Cottage~Lake & Sanctuary~Lake Amherst

6 Bedrooms  4 Bathrooms

4.98IconIconIconIconIcon90 reviews

Vermont Cottage Amherst Lake & Sanctuary

4 Bedrooms  3 Bathrooms

5IconIconIconIconIcon55 reviews

Forty Winks Cottage In Vermont

3 Bedrooms  3 Bathrooms

4.98IconIconIconIconIcon52 reviews

NirvanaSanctuaryHouse~Fire Place~Okemo Killington

2 Bedrooms  3 Bathrooms

5IconIconIconIconIcon31 reviews
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